Is there any hope of getting Olive to sleep?

Is there any hope of getting Olive to sleep?

Olive was a good little napper during the day – but what a night owl! Olive regularly woke up 3-5 times a night, and would stay awake for up to 2 hours each time. After 8 months of this, Olive’s parents decided that it couldn’t continue; they all needed a better night’s rest.

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Baby Levi – 9 Months

Baby Levi – 9 Months

Baby Levi was 9 months old and had been feed to sleep or rocked to sleep for all of his life, he shared a studio apartment with his parents in the city, so there was little space and few doors – this resulted in Levi being assisted to sleep for every nap and several (every 2 hours) wake ups over night.

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Meet Sacha, One Of Our Manawatu Based Baby Sleep Consultants

Meet Sacha, One Of Our Manawatu Based Baby Sleep Consultants

Hi, I’m Sacha Barrack, mum of Edward and Heidi. I have been passionate about babies and their sleep since giving birth to Edward nearly five years ago. As a new mother I found it almost impossible to function on such a lack of sleep, combined with being alone a lot with my husband flying away so often, and sought the answers to give me both more sleep, and a happy, healthy baby. By being fortunate enough to train through Baby Sleep Consultant, my knowledge about infant and child sleep and the tools one can use to improve it have helped families to give their own babies and children the gift of good sleep.

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Baby Lily

Baby Lily

Baby Lily was 5 months old, and she had been waking frequently through the night. Mum was anxious about Lily crying, so as well as feeding Lily 2 large bottles of formula in the night, she was getting up and popping a dummy back in Lily’s mouth as soon as she stirred.

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Baby Katelyn – 18 weeks

Baby Katelyn – 18 weeks

Katelyn at 18 weeks old was only 5.6kg, and exclusively breastfed and suffering from severe reflux.
Mum had been to Plunket and at their suggestion Katelyn took all naps in her buggy in the lounge, swaddled with her dummy and was rocked to sleep, and throughout her naps.

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